This map shows the percentage of the populations in Bexar County's 86 zip codes speaking a language other than English at home. Credit: Emily Royall / Rivard report / San Antonio Report

People in all 86 Bexar County zip codes report speaking a language other than English at home, according to the latest estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Eighteen zip codes in the county show more than 50 percent of the population speaking a language other than English at home. In some zip codes, including 78207 and 78237 on the city’s inner West Side, as much as 72.7 percent of the population primarily speaks a language other than English in their residence.

The average percentage of Bexar County’s population that speaks a language other than English in the household is 36.1 percent. The average percentage of the population speaking Spanish at home is 34 percent, according to the Census Bureau’s 2016 American Community Survey.

The map below shows the percentage of the population speaking a language other than English at home, ranging from 8 to 72.7 percent. Hover over the map to see the percentage of each zip code’s population that speaks English, Spanish, or other languages.

The majority of non-English-speaking households in Bexar County report speaking primarily Spanish, followed by other European and Asian languages, according to the data. Other than English and Spanish, the data doesn’t break down specific languages spoken, categorizing them only as “Asian and Pacific Island,” “other Indo-European,” and “other.”

While data from every zip code indicates some percentage of the population speaking Spanish at home, percentages of populations speaking European or Asian languages at home are greater on the city’s North and Northeast sides.

The data shows languages spoken by populations 5 years old and up, and does not include estimates of people who know a second language but do not use it regularly at home.

Emily Royall is the Rivard Report's former data director.

One reply on “TopoGeo: Where San Antonio Is the Most Multilingual”

  1. Very interesting! Thank you!

    I’m always jealous of people (like my husband and his family) who are bilingual. I grew up in a very rural Midwestern county and it was 0% bilingual – all English, all the time. It has been amazing living here in San Antonio hearing many languages being spoken. It’s part of what makes San Antonio a wonderful place to live!

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